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Osteo Px

Restorative Formulations

90 Vegi Caps

Osteo Px provides 120 mcg vitamin K2 as MK7 for bone support


Osteo Px provides 120 mcg vitamin K2 as MK7 for bone support

Osteocalcin is a calcium binding protein in the blood that acts as a biochemical marker for bone formation. Serum osteocalcin is measured via a lab test, typically ordered for women past menopause.

Osteocalcin relies on vitamins D3 and K2, specifically in the form of MK4 or MK7. These nutrientssupport healthy bone metabolism via their supportive relationship with osteocalcin and calcium.

K2 supports vitamin D with calcium uptake safely guiding it to bone. Vitamin K2 is available through limited food options, such as grass-fed animal products and fermented foods. However, the typical Western diet lacks foods that provide adequate levels, so deficiency is more common than most physicians realize. Because K2 isn’t stored in the body like other lipid soluble vitamins, it requires daily dosing for optimal bone metabolism.

K2 is available in supplement form as MK4 and MK7. MK4 is less ideal because it has a short half-life, so therefore requires multiple doses throughout the day. MK7 is the more bioavailable and active form of K2 which can be dosed once daily, making it the superior form of vitamin K2.

Formulation Features

• Contains the most MK7 per capsule currently allowed in Canada

• K2 and vitamin D work hand in hand to support osteocalcin activity

• K2 as MK7 supports arterial health

• Provides balanced vitamin A, D3 and K2 doses for optimal calcium metabolism

• Boron and magnesium support optimal bone health

• K2 as MK7 supports arterial health and prevents arterial calcium deposits


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