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Biotics Research

100 Capsules

Immuno-gG from Biotics Research supplies a supplemental source of immunoglobulin G from Bovine Colostrum.


Immuno-gG from Biotic Research supplies a supplemental source of immunoglobulin G from Bovine Colostrum. It is fortified with the amino acids L-Lysine and L-Arginine. As a source of colostrum, it provides support for healthy immune function. Colostrum supplies proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins (antibodies) that support the immune system. The antibody levels in colostrums can be 100 times higher than that present in regular cow’s milk. Bovine colostrum may also be beneficial for boosting the immune system, healing injuries, repairing nervous system damage, for improving mood, and for facilitating a sense of well being.

Immuno-gG from Biotics Research helps increase Gamma Globulin. Colostrum is the most prolific substance for boosting sIgA levels in the gut. This provides a balancing effect on the immune system by reducing inflammatory cytokines and pathogenic species in the gut. Colostrum also helps provide raw materials to help repair a damaged gut lining. The intestinal membrane replaces cells every three days, and supplementation can help heal intestinal problems such as leaky gut syndrome and other permeability issues naturally. Colostrum is also rich in transfer factors that educate and modulate the immune system and successfully teach it to recognize specific antigens. These transfer factors also help coordinate the immune system to be able to recognize the difference between normal tissue and pathological microbes or abnormal tissue growth. These important transfer factors include hydrogen peroxide and immunoglobin G (IgG). The transfer factors from colostrum are able to boost natural killer cell (NK) activity and calm a hyperactive immune system through activating suppressor T cells. This improves the intelligence of the immune system and allows it to function with greater efficiency. These transfer factors also act as a catalytic memory agent for the immune system to alert naive immune cells of an impending danger.
Colostrum contains a rich array of nutrients, including growth factors, lipidic and glucidic factors, oligosaccharides, antimicrobials, cytokines and nucleosides. This substance introduces the newborn to over 95 different compounds that balance and stabilize the immune system. It also brings in eight growth factors that promote normal cell growth, DNA synthesis, fat utilization and increased mental acuity.

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